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Owner, B Everywhere Errands LLC


Selected to be part of the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) Enterprising Women of Color Business Center’s Business Certification Training Cohort 4 and Small Business Marketing Bootcamp; Financial Counseling Client

In today’s world, most of us find ourselves inundated with endless to-do lists. From shopping for groceries, household items, and gifts to car and home maintenance appointments, there seems to be a never-ending amount of “life admin” to tackle. Combined with work and personal lives, it can be daunting, time-consuming, and downright impossible to get everything done.

That’s where B Everywhere Errands LLC comes in. Established in December 2014 by owner Donna Rodriguez, the company aims to help—pure, simple, and straightforward. She and her team offer an array of services, including errand-running, personal shopping, concierge, courier, auto delivery for service and maintenance, home and office organization, away-from-home, at-home waiting, housesitting, gift baskets, gift-wrapping, document shredding, notary, and much more.

The idea for the business came when Donna’s grandfather was under home hospice care and Donna found herself picking up various items for the house, especially as many people stopped by to give their farewells.

“One night, everyone was getting their food orders ready, and I was so tired. I thought, ‘I’d pay $20 for someone to get it,’” Donna recalled. “There wasn’t a business like that at the time and that’s where the idea was born.”

B Everywhere Errands LLC now offers a variety of packages or a la carte services to meet the needs of its clientele. Donna also been working diligently for the past year and half to transition to providing services as a unique benefit that companies can offer their employees, which will help to retain and attract talent. By the end of 2022, she anticipates this line of business accounting for 75% of the company’s revenue. She also hopes to expand to the neighbor islands, particularly Maui and Hawaii Island.

“We truly come with the heart of helping,” Donna said. “We get everybody the things that they need. We have clients with fixed or no income, and we will waive fees in order to do that. Our heart is genuinely to help. Customer service is the key. All we want is for our clients to be the happiest they can be at every single moment.”

While the company hasn’t faced a lot of competition in Hawaii, Donna has had to learn a lot by trial-and-error and rely on word-of-mouth marketing.

“I give it to God,” she said. “It’s not my company; it’s His. I leave it up to Him how it should be done. It’s good to have mentors but keeping the faith throughout the whole journey is the only thing that’s allowed us to succeed.”

Donna has taken advantage of many of the MBDA Enterprising Women of Color Business Center’s programs, including financial counseling, Business Certification Training, and Small Business Marketing Bootcamp. She’s currently in the process of getting her business certified.

To fellow woman entrepreneurs and small business owners, she offers the following advice: “Number one is don’t give up when it’s hard; have faith. Surround yourself with like-minded people. It’s so important that you have people around you to encourage you. If there’s anyone discouraging you and telling you it can’t happen, you have to detach yourself from that person; otherwise, they embed that in your head. You can’t succeed if you give up.”

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